Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bodybuilder next to stretch grades on upper body, i know i cant seize rid of them but what should i do?

i have a nice physique. 5'10 over 200lbs and low body flab % butI have strecth results on my arms and dont want to take my shirt stale.Bodybuilder next to stretch grades on upper body, i know i cant seize rid of them but what should i do?
I'm sure your build will overshadow your stretch marks anyway. Try getting a sunburn and maybe that will cast a shadow on the stretch marks. At tiniest you ain't fat and enjoy stretch marks. Alot of relations wish they be in the shape you hold right now.
smear man butter on them
Try some pregnancy cream, might comfort em fade
Strivectin works to diminish their appearance very economically, but it's expensive.
200 pounds? Thats way too much volume for a 5'10 body, remember skin looses its supple properties as we age and the production of collagen diminishes with time. You can remove them beside laser therapy but if you verbs to get bigger you will take more. Some creams fade them a little bit but once they are white/gray they are at hand to stay.
There isn't much you can do about it. Stretch grades are caused by the skin man stretched beyond its limits.
They come across to fade with age. I used to hold some in the inner member of bthe biceps when I was contained by my 20's. I am now within my late 30's and they're gone although I haven't lost size.

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