Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Average substance?

What is the average weght for someone of 6ft?Average substance?
Rule of thumbs says 160, but closely depends ont he frame
Depends on your frame and if average around 160 to 180
Check out the bbc website in the condition bit and see what your bmi is and it'll tell you within:
Depending on the sex and age of the person, and the physical pursuit of a person, there's a regular range. A usual BMI (Body Mass Index) is between 18.5 and 24.9. To find your BMI, you can visit . Once on, poke about "BMI calculator", and on the left side of the blind, under "WebMD HealthScan", contained by bold, is "BMI Calculator". Click on that and it'll bring you to the BMI Calculator. Just plug in your elevation and weight and you'll find your BMI.
(ALSO - I put the cooperation to the BMI Calculator under the Sources, below)

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