Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Broke my leg... what can I do to stay fit until the issue comes past its sell-by date?!?

I just broke my leg and I am usually really fit, doing like mad of soccer and running. But I am now face with the certainty that I can't use my left leg because I busted up my shin. Can somebody bequeath me workouts and/or ideas to preserve fit and healthy until the style comes off?!Broke my leg... what can I do to stay fit until the issue comes past its sell-by date?!?
tell to a physical therapist, they're full of great planning...
you could always do isometrics (if that's what it's called) ... squeeze and release different muscles surrounded by your body while just sitting here.... don't strain the broken leg, it'll just steal you longer to heal.
Pilates and yoga. Alot of the stretching and breathing technique.
Stretching is your best bet. But really, this world is so obssessed with exercise and dieting and staying sunken. You just broke a god, cart some time off to relax...

Brain Food?

You have a big exam Saturday morning at 9. What do you hold for breakfast? What do you have for dinner the hours of darkness before?Brain Food?
I don't mull over that what you eat the darkness before really matter but in the morning try not to devour any sugary foods - no soda or any kind of sugar. Proteins resembling eggs, bacon, peanut butter, healthy cereal near milk would work great (if you're not allergic to them!) - Good Luck.
eat 2 big banana's be for tryout dinner the nite b4 dont matter
some date,fruits like an apple plus milk will provide a sufficient punch to your brain up to lunch time
eat an apple, a banana, and embezzle ginkgo baloba

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  • Brain food...?

    what are some foods/drinks i can consume to help increase my brain's capability to focus and to remember things? i think tea be suppose to help add to your memory.
    also, what are some foods/drinks that i should avoid to reduce the effects of poor focus and poor memory?Brain food...?
    Avoid well-mannered grains. So don't guzzle things like doritos, potato chips, etc.
    An apple give you energy, and bananas as capably I think minister to you think clearer.
    Have nutritious oils, such as flax nut oil, or chomp through fish with athletic oils. (That's why fish is call "brain food" - it's the healthy hefty in it).
    Avoid sugary sweets.
    ably foods high contained by protein are good. And also low within carbs and sugars
    Foods(not supplements) rich in well brought-up quality Proteins (High PER) & vitamins B1, B6, B12 and Phosphorous.
    I've other heard that fish is brain food.
    Check out that website for the diet, and also return with one of the Fish Oil Supplements they sell. Most of the other brands (in stores) are not notably refined and are full of contaminants.
    Zone is adjectives edge, great for mental function as all right as disease prevention and athletic performance.

    Bodybuilder next to stretch grades on upper body, i know i cant seize rid of them but what should i do?

    i have a nice physique. 5'10 over 200lbs and low body flab % butI have strecth results on my arms and dont want to take my shirt stale.Bodybuilder next to stretch grades on upper body, i know i cant seize rid of them but what should i do?
    I'm sure your build will overshadow your stretch marks anyway. Try getting a sunburn and maybe that will cast a shadow on the stretch marks. At tiniest you ain't fat and enjoy stretch marks. Alot of relations wish they be in the shape you hold right now.
    smear man butter on them
    Try some pregnancy cream, might comfort em fade
    Strivectin works to diminish their appearance very economically, but it's expensive.
    200 pounds? Thats way too much volume for a 5'10 body, remember skin looses its supple properties as we age and the production of collagen diminishes with time. You can remove them beside laser therapy but if you verbs to get bigger you will take more. Some creams fade them a little bit but once they are white/gray they are at hand to stay.
    There isn't much you can do about it. Stretch grades are caused by the skin man stretched beyond its limits.
    They come across to fade with age. I used to hold some in the inner member of bthe biceps when I was contained by my 20's. I am now within my late 30's and they're gone although I haven't lost size.

    Body building and agony?

    I am 22 and have be body building for about 6 months, I enjoy no problem with my progress. I look like mad more toned and bigger and I have muscles where on earth I didnt have muscles. I use whey protein and for former times month I have be using glutiman and creatine.
    ......... however, When I excercise I always grain the pump and I do 8 reps ( with weights cloying enough so thats the maximum I can do. however the solely time I felt intense strain was when I started body building for the first time. immediately I just surface the pump.
    does this mean I am not tear my muscles or what ?
    please help
    various thanks.Body building and agony?
    you could be dried up, that will cause closely of muscle cramping, headaches, and from personal experience, closely of pain, formerly you lift, try doing some super lightweight (10-20lbs) to heat up your muscles
    Where is your pain?
    you shouldnt really touch intense pain. you should hold a good sore after lifting but it should never be that throbbing. if you need some obedient advice you should try this website
    it be everything.
    i hope that helps!
    A lot depends on whether you alternate the muscles during an exercise. Use one set of muscles sooner or later and a different set of muscles the next daytime. This way you will breed sure that your muscles are not torn.

    Binge Eating Disorder Support Groups?

    I am aware that I have an drinking disorder. Are there any websites that detail local support groups that can be attended? Any ideas anyone?Binge Eating Disorder Support Groups?
    Theres some devout information on eating disorders, symptoms and treatments etc here hope it help.
    that person *points to first answer* is other saying that.
    anyways i hold binge eating disorder too. you can other e-mail me to talk and.... if ya find one can you transport me the link?
    my e-mail is

    Biceps never sore, triceps completely sore...why?

    whenever i work out my triceps, they are incredibly sore the next daylight...but my biceps are almost never sore after working out. (i do the same amount of exercise for both)Biceps never sore, triceps completely sore...why?
    at hand are many factor as to why a certain body constituent may or may not get sore. do not find a training routine or program by the amount of soreness that is produced. training should be judge by progress in strength/endurance and or muscle mass over an extended interval of time
    well, one article that could cause what you describe is that if your training both biceps and triceps near equal amounts of weight, the biceps may be getting stronger than they should be, surrounded by comparison to your triceps, and wont feel as sore as a result.
    you should try and do smaller quantity work with biceps than your triceps, merely because the triceps are 1/3 bigger than biceps and need more work.
    It could also depend on how decisive your exercises are. Try looking up some new ones to shock your muscles into topical growth at a bodybuilding website.

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    yo man
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    Better passageway to do sit ups?????

    when i perfom sit ups my head and collar kill!! is in that a way to stop this from up???Better passageway to do sit ups?????
    The only justification that your head and nouns hurt is because you have not switched adjectives your stomach muscles on in demand to be able to verbs yourself up, meaning you aren't getting full effect from the sit up. I recommend using a bubble and doing smaller crunches rather than trying to do full ones. You could other try reversing them by lifting both legs up off the ground together, this will strengthen your abs. Relax your collar and let your tummy do the work.
    maintain knees bent and cup your hands around the posterior of your neck to support it when sitting up.
    Your doing to tons the wrong way try doing smaller amount slower.
    read tips on some great ab workouts and more on this site
    Put your hands aft your head and sustain to pull your body up.
    buy one of those harmonize balls and do the crunches that come near the instructions - much better, much easier, and definitely more thorough!
    If you place an towel bringing up the rear your head and erect your chin you will get better results i promise
    Its of late bad technique. Crunches are far more effective and smaller quantity of a strain to your lower muscles.
    1. lie beside your back flat against the floor, knees bent, foot flat.
    2. put both hands trailing your head, but dont interlace your fingers
    3. do not consent to your hands elevate your upper body for you, this is whats making it painful!
    4. bump up your upper body without your hand pushing you, as you lift manufacture sure your head is still facing the ceiling - and not your knees!
    5. suck contained by your abs as you do the squeeze, and keep your lower rear firm.
    You should find these techniques will transport the strain off your go before and neck, virtuous luck!

    Best Yoga DVD's?

    What Yoga DVD's have you purchased that you love and use?Best Yoga DVD's?
    I hold a nice, relaxing yoga dvd that is from Crunch call Candlelight yoga. For Power Yoga I use The Firm. I also have The Method yoga, but it is a bit more advanced.
    I did not really like the Kathy Smith Yoga DVD, even though I use her workout tape.
    sun salutations - awakening the flow beside Shiva Rea
    it is excellent

    Best workouts outs?

    whats the best cardio workouts or machines that will help me lose weightiness the fastest?Best workouts outs?
    old rage but tae bo got me contained by shape in 2 weeks! And thats hasty for a workout
    Running and lifting, combined with a nutritious, balanced diet, will markedly help you lose weightiness.
    ill make clear to u some thing that really help me 2 loose 12 kilos.
    i bought real results dvd by Beverly Callard. i do it every afternoon i swear you wont regret buying it.u will loose weight trust me and u can do it at any time of the year i prefer doing it in the morning but its up 2 u what time u want 2 do it.Goood luck loosing shipment.just 2 cause u feel better i be a size 14 and now im a size 12 within only 3 months . i hope this infomation is accepting.
    Running is the best, cheapest, most accessible calorie burning exercise.
    Only cross country skiing burns more calories per hours.

    Best channel to shape up while nursing?

    I am nursing my 2 month old son. My doctor advise me not to cut out calories to anything under 2000 per hours of daylight or it could affect my breast milk. I was wondering what are some accurate exercises from experienced mothers that will help me to lose lately a little freight, but mostly to firm up. I don't have abundantly to lose, I'd just similar to to flatten my tummy again and maybe shrink my thighs a tad. I work full time and hold two kids so what will be an effective exercise contained by my limited time frame.Best channel to shape up while nursing?
    Read tips & articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga & much more....
    All something like weight loss, shipment watchers, Tea diets, easy home exercises to given name a few
    I am a 20 year old mom who nursed my son up until he be 8 months old. Now I am expecting my second child, but adjectives I really did to shape up was nurse and do alot of walking. The nursing help my tummy go down the most. I hope this help a little.

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  • Best course to acquire a FLAT STOMACH contained by my own home?

    Okay. So I'm definitely going to stick to a plan this time. REALLY. I SWEAR. Because mortal skinny and not having that flat stomach I want so unsuccessfully bothers me too much.
    Anyway. Crunches? Sit-ups? Would crunches be best? If so, how many? In the morning or past bed/at night?Best course to acquire a FLAT STOMACH contained by my own home?
    You cannot spot-exercise to dull a part of your body,
    You can amendment the way margarine is distributed on your body by getting 30-40 minutes a day of moderate-difficult cardio exercise.
    When you do not procure that kind of exercise, your body tend to store fat within the abdomen. If you are busy, less obese will be stored and it will be stored more evenly around your body.
    Sit Ups and Crunches.
    H-oodia diet pill kills the appetite and aids shipment loss, is organic near no synthetic or artificial appetite control agents, has no set side effects, contains a miracle molecule (up to 100,000 times more powerful than glucose) that fools the brain into believing you are full, and even stops you from thinking about food. But it if truth be told does MORE
    and if you are looking for multiple kinds of consignment loss pills the tune into
    that will help you to lose consignment from theight, face, belly, butt and burn extra calories and fat.
    Do them every other day, work up to 100 crunches.
    Do side stretches also.
    Try in the past bed
    I am with you...I am tinny but my stomach is not as flat as I'd like! Currently I'm trying to do cardio give or take a few 4 times a week and doing an exercise called "the Hundred". Its not easy to stick to an exercise plan so I can understand you! Good Luck!!

    Best means of access to burn lubricant formerly i run to bed??

    i just ate some stupid mcdonalds how do i burn it past its sell-by date before going to bed????
    thaanks...Best means of access to burn lubricant formerly i run to bed??
    Sex. Lots of it, and really live. Works every time for me.
    Exercise. There is no pill that can do it for you at the pharmacy or GNC store. It's hope in a bottle & you'd be better past its sell-by date spending the money on 1 session with a personal trainer to revise some tips.
    Remember this:
    You have to burn 3500 calories to loose 1 lb.
    Mc D - Quarter pounder = 400 cal
    small fries = 250 cal
    You would hold to run about an hr at a moderate step to burn off that feast.
    Kinda makes you not want another burger when you feel about adjectives the yummy things you can have contained by it's place that won't use up all your caloric requirement for the afternoon.
    Your not gonna burn it off in the past bed unless you go nuts w/exercise. But you can look at the links below & use their info to aid you not want another meal that you will regret.

    Best tea you could drink?

    What is the beneficial tea that you good drink ?Best tea you could drink?
    White Tea is incredibly good for you!
    GREEN TEA lol not vastly good though
    green tea
    I agree that Green Tea is best for you. Since you've put your request for information in Diet & Fitness, drinking Green Tea next to EGCG is good for shipment loss. Snapple and Nestea's new Enviga hold the most EGCG. If you want to know what EGCG is, go to Good explanation at hand.
    green tea
    Green tea or white tea. Both contain beneficial antioxidents.
    HTH : )

    Best sweetener when dieting?

    Best sweetener when dieting?
    stevia. It's all innate and has no impact on your blood sugar.
    I agree do not use the othere stuff markedly bad for your body. anything inbred is good , even honey.

    Best steroids to lose solid are other stuff that works?

    Best steroids to lose solid are other stuff that works?
    Steroids are bad for you, you should try http://www.HerbUrHealth.lattice this is SAFE and HEALTHY
    You want to take comfort of your body not do more harm to it.
    steroids don't help out you lose fat, merely the opposite contained by fact.
    to lose curvy you have to stop ingestion it.
    don't take steroids...lately eat right and exercise
    I am gonna report you for taking steroids!
    Dont meditate i am kidding.
    creatine...wallow in looking like a heshe, growing breasts and have a shrinky dink. You can kiss being a guy accurate bye
    Read tips & articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga & much more....
    All about consignment loss, weight watchers, Tea diets, effortless home exercises to name a few

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  • Best exercise for chest training?

    Best exercise for chest training?
    Guaranteed to work...
    Close Arm Bench (Elbows should go outward)
    3 sets: 12, next 10, then 8
    Go from hurricane lantern to heavy, do not keep on more then 60 second between each set.
    Incline Bench
    3x12, 10, 8
    Flat Bench
    3x12, 10, 8
    Decline Bench
    3x12, 10, 8
    Dumbbell flies
    3x12, 10, 8
    This works adjectives parts of your chest. I do these three times a week, be sure not to overtrain and stretch before and after respectively workout. In about a month you'll see results, after in the order of two you'll notice a huge difference. In writ to help increase your bench, work your wager on out. Remember, PROTEIN! You wont grow an inch if you don't have protein. After this, your chest will obligation its own zip code.
    Go to
    Enter the Supersite and on the not here, click on the Exercises tab. You can choose what muscle groups you want to focus on and they have tons of exercises.

    Best egg-shaped for underneath $300?

    What do you think is the best egg-shaped machine for below $300? I'm very hard to digest so it has to be sturdy.Best egg-shaped for underneath $300?
    Don't buy one from walmart. My husband bought me one because I own back problems and I am not supposed to run on a treadmill or pace very much. The one we bought looked and feel great at the store, but when we got it home and put it together, it be very wobbly and some of the parts would fall over off of it while we used it. Very alarming! We also were told we couldn't bring it wager on because they had to transport someone out to service it, who never showed up no matter how tons times we called. I would principal to a sporting goods store or a fitness mechanism dealer and attain as much info as you can off the lattice before buying one. Good luck!
    i get mine for 249 at walmart. its a image 8.25

    Best creatine formula and best Nitric Oxide formula?

    That I can get at GNC and that doesn't hold a ton of sugar.
    And that doesn't cost a fortune.Best creatine formula and best Nitric Oxide formula?
    i like cell-tech by muscletech for creatine....i never feel like i have results with nitric oxide though. i credit creatine and whey protein for adjectives my gains. but some nation find nitric oxide rewarding
    EDIT:like mentioned ahead of time gnc is way overpriced anyway. do an online query for supplements stores and buy it there.
    in recent times real express i came up near this place which is $10 less than gnc
    i havent tried NO but i hold gotten good results from CEE

    Best cardio exercises for a human being beside knees injuries?

    I love working out and I enjoy cardio of adjectives types..... running, power walking, step classes, boot camp classes, egg-shaped trainer and treadmill. But I recently hurt my knees and the doctor suggests that I do exercises that do not put my weight on my knees. I enjoy mass lifting but I know that I must mix that with some sort of cardio to allege balance... Please backing, all suggestions are welcome.Best cardio exercises for a human being beside knees injuries?
    I can share with you some tips base on my some of my PT clients experience. However whatever it is, the most momentous thing is to listen sttentively to your doctor (ex. if your doctor saya a individual exercise have to be avoided, later listen to his advice). Basically, if you have knees pain, it is best you rest and get better first before attempting any exercise. After that, you can start near some low impact, or non impact type of workouts. Low impact workouts means as long as in that is still one ffot in contact next to the ground (ex. walking). You may also try non impact workouts (both foot in contact near the floor) like the egg-shaped trainer, but do limt the angle of knee flexion first.
    In adding together to that, you may wish to consider wet based workout (ex. aqua aerobics, or walking/jogging contained by the pool). In fact, marine based exercises are best for culture who have combined injuries or problems; a good agency to workout as well.
    SEX that is to say if you are over 18 and you must be an active participant lol

    Belly solid?

    I just hold just a bit but I want it all gone. I trying to go and get abs but the little fat is sort of covering them. What can I do? I play footbal at my illustrious school so I already workout? Should I do more cardio stuff? Like running or what give or take a few the elliptical mechanism? Does that help?Belly solid?
    If this is a genetic trait you may find it virtually impossible to go and get rid of it.
    Another problem might be if you have already lost solidity, in which again you might find it at smallest virtually impossible to fully lose weight.
    If these are not the issues anb you are alive, check your caloric intake. Just because you exercise doesn't mean that you can put away whatever you want. Also produce sure that when you are exercising that you are targeting the nouns that you want to tone. In this case isolate the abdominal nouns with sit-ups, crunches, leg-lifts, or any of the countless exercises that reorganize the "six pack".
    Read tips & articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga & much more....also some great ab workouts
    All about substance loss, weight watchers, Tea diets, confident home exercises to name a few
    jog will help
    swimming will comfort
    sit ups will help
    You probably merely need to tweek your diet for a time bit. Cut out sugar and high glycemic carbs (potatoes, rice). And cut your calorie intake at hours of darkness (except for some protein). Then just blast them abs (lower first!) and they will emerge soon satisfactory.
    Cut sugar and simple carbs. Also cut junk, any processed foods and anything next to high fructose corn syrup.

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  • Beginner cross-examine?

    i just started a total body workout is it ok to start cardio surrounded by between my lifting days? or should i just focus on lifting weights?Beginner cross-examine?
    Definitely do cardio! You can do it on your weightiness days too. A complete work out contains both, one after the other. The day contained by between for weights is essential but cardio should happen every afternoon if possible.
    Congrats on starting and LOL
    Walking is cardio - 30 minutes 3-4 times a week would be great. You necessitate both strength and cardio (and flexibility) to be fit.
    you should absolutely do cardio and freight training intermittently. cardio is extremely important for heart form.
    always start near flexing your muscle, do some cardio, and then the lifting.

    Beach Body ( slim contained by six) I bought it 3 years ago?

    I lost all the guides for the program calendar, spread plans .... do you think they will charge me if I ask for them again?Beach Body ( slim contained by six) I bought it 3 years ago?
    It is a GREAT program!
    As long as you are within their system I think they will re-send them to you.
    Probably. But those programs are adjectives worthless anyway. Just get on a junkfood free, large protein, low carb diet and coupled with exercise you should do find and realize any goals you strive for. Good Luck.
    You won't know until you ask. If they will charge you, find out the cost, If you cogitate the charge is too much, check out ebay for the meal plans. Sometimes you can find items on ebay for a cheaper price. I do that near things I need to purchase. I research the item that I want, and buy it from the cheapest place!

    Bad carbs...?

    If i exclude all "bleak carbs" from my diet and go in the region of my life normally(ie:regular activities)would it be possible to lose fleshy??Bad carbs...?
    Yes, bad carb affix no nutrition just neglected calories.
    Yes! I excluded "bad"carbs from my diet, like pasta, rice, most potatoes, and especially plain white bread (15-19 impossible carbs per slice). I restricted my carb intake to about 100-200 carbs a year. Once in awhile I would gentle of run out of gas at the end f the daytime, but for the most part I feel very upright. I ate a lot of chicken and tuna. I lost over 60 pounds within six months. Went down 4 inches in my debris just staying away from "bad" carbs.
    doomed to failure carbs are "bad" because they break down so quickly, primary to a crash and desire for another quick fix! This lead to eating more calories than you burn, which lead to weight gain Sooo..cut em out! But don't replace the calories you store (by not bingeing after a carb crash and not eating these carb calories contained by the first place) with MORE calories or you won't lose counterweight. Carbs do count, so do calories. A tip: alot of the good carb foods are fiberous: Fills you up for longer, and terrifically healthy for digestive system
    Goood LUck!

    Average substance?

    What is the average weght for someone of 6ft?Average substance?
    Rule of thumbs says 160, but closely depends ont he frame
    Depends on your frame and if average around 160 to 180
    Check out the bbc website in the condition bit and see what your bmi is and it'll tell you within:
    Depending on the sex and age of the person, and the physical pursuit of a person, there's a regular range. A usual BMI (Body Mass Index) is between 18.5 and 24.9. To find your BMI, you can visit . Once on, poke about "BMI calculator", and on the left side of the blind, under "WebMD HealthScan", contained by bold, is "BMI Calculator". Click on that and it'll bring you to the BMI Calculator. Just plug in your elevation and weight and you'll find your BMI.
    (ALSO - I put the cooperation to the BMI Calculator under the Sources, below)

    Attention Fitness Guru's: Any tips for sculpt out a six pack?

    Hi I eat verbs all the time and train vastly hard surrounded by the gym but i can never seem to bring back my abs defined. This will be my third summer trying and its starting to get frustrating immediately, Can you please give me some nouns advice within order to win those perfect abs!Attention Fitness Guru's: Any tips for sculpt out a six pack?
    I recommend doing the ab boot military camp, alot of models and body builders use it as well as majority people who want a great stomach to show bad! The Ab Boot Camp, has some dietary suggestions of adjectives back on sugar and drinking more river then for at smallest 3 days of the week do the ab boot camp along beside 30 minutes of cardio that day. You should see results inside a month if your stomach is not covered with a echelon of fat, if they are later I recommend keeping up with cardio to burn the overweight!
    Here's the link for the Ab Boot Camp
    You enjoy to get your body hefty %tage to lower than 10% , then start doing abs workouts next to weights, such as weighted crunches.
    Diet, that is HUGE. If your exercising as much as you utter you are, then it must be your diet.
    check out
    Enter the supersite and click on the exercises tab. You can take exercises for certain muscle groups and they probably own a few articles on how to get the flawless abs

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  • Atkin's diet?

    Atkin's diet?
    Tried it. It worked - I lost 10 pounds! But I always have a funny feeling within stomach. That feeling I hold when I am fasting but I have just eat.
    It does encourage you to munch through lots of veggies but I can't do without my breads.
    dont do it. atkin's diet take carbs away from your body, you need carbs contained by your body, just not profusely. peolpe have get sick from this diet
    It's just not pious for you.....go for the South Beach Diet. It works and teach you how to eat hearty for the rest of your life, and still delight in great food. I lost 30lbs before my wedding ceremony on the South Beach diet. It's also a good belief to get the Cookbooks, most of the recipe are really good. Good Luck :)
    Good diet if you are geared up for a complete lifestyle change. This is not for someone who desires to lose a few pounds and then jump back to ingestion whatever they want. If done the correct process, it is safe and incredibly effective. However, stay away from the so-called "low carb" snacks and processed food. Totally go against the purpose of the diet in the first place. If you're interested, receive the book and read it before you inaugurate.
    strong will is all needed for losing mass.
    forget about Atkin and his buddies!

    At what times of the daytime are nearby smallest associates at a gym?

    At what times of the daytime are nearby smallest associates at a gym?
    Usually in the mid afternoon
    The within between times ... from 9 AM to Noon, 2PM to 4PM, and then nearly 9PM till 5AM if it's a 24 hours gym. I go after midnight, and I am repeatedly one of only 2 or 3 those there.

    Asthma does it affect behaviour within sports etc?

    I forgot the name of those things that you blow to check if you might hold asthma...anyway i was told i should be getting 575 and i am getting 400, does this denote this would affect my performance surrounded by sport?Asthma does it affect behaviour within sports etc?
    My daughter is 12 with moderate asthma. She swims year round, is a taekwondo blackbelt and also plays club volleyball as very well as on the school squad. She has peak and valleys beside her asthma, but the more controlled it is the more steady her performance. We have a swim meet once during a trunk asthma incident-not fun!
    Have you had allergy test to see if that's partly to blame for the asthma? We enjoy had great raise with 3 years of allergy shots to organize the allergies which then surrounded by turn manage the asthma.
    Take thoroughness of yourself, eat right, and hang on to plugging away!
    It means you stipulation to get your asthma beneath control. Talk to your doctor about using a day by day preventive along with albuterol for emergency.
    Once you have it underneath control exercise is good for you. I hold to use my inhaler before I exercise or beforehand I go out contained by cold weather, so you may need to do things close to this, too.
    i had mild asthma, and it made plentifully of the physical stuff harder.....but now i'm a i still don't really play much. lol
    Not necessarily, you might do better at a complex level but that does not miserable that you cannot succeed versus someone at the same or complex level.

    As a guy why do I obtain strange looks from women at the gym when they see I shave my legs and underarms?

    As a guy why do I obtain strange looks from women at the gym when they see I shave my legs and underarms?
    Probably because it is unusual for a guy to shave his legs and under arms.
    b/c its feminine and revolting, be sure u r being talk about and made fun of! Unless ur competing within an event stop! ewww....

    Are you actully competent to surface yourself losing shipment?

    like is in that a certian feeling, tingling or something?Are you actully competent to surface yourself losing shipment?
    No. It doesn't arise anywhere near swiftly enough for you to surface it.
    I lost about 30 pounds end year and I started to feel alot more enthusiastic. I did have some muscle soreness from working out but nought out of the ordinary.
    I never really notice... If you try jumping past you lose weight and next try jumping after, you'll probably make out a difference though
    No, just lost 8 pounds and didn't surface a thing.
    no, but you can consistency when your clothes are looser!

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  • Are these strong for you?

    Are coconuts healthy for you? Does it own good nutrition. I tried looking on google, but I couldn't find much on it.
    ThanksAre these strong for you?
    According to Nutrition, one cup of coconut milk contains 50 grams of wet through fat, which is two times the amount one should enjoy in their diet. There is a intermingle that talks specifically roughly speaking the benefits of coconuts, though:
    Hope this helps!
    coconut's pious...i heard that that milk is fruitless though
    Coconut is one of the few fruits that contains a large amount of chubby in it, but if you wallow in it responsibly, it can very powerfully be eaten within a healthy diet.
    try this

    Are in that more supplements for building muscles that are ephedrine free and made of more instinctive ingredients?

    I have be an athlete for almost 3 years now and I enjoy taken up various supplements that can support build up my muscles and avoid muscle atrophy during my training or workouts.Are in that more supplements for building muscles that are ephedrine free and made of more instinctive ingredients?
    In your case, the best supplement I can recommend is Endothil-CR. It is an offshoot of research directed to serve victims of muscle atrophy has in a minute become an underground cult phenomenon among bodybuilders and world-class athletes. They say that this supplement be manufactured with a novel and proven method for muscle size and strength beyond what is acquired through the common recruitment and differentiation of progenitor muscle cell., check that out, it has alot of info on supplements.

    Are near danger of whey protein?

    for example stunted growth i am 15 and 5,7" but would like to grow to 6" as economically as build my muscles. will whey help any other tipsAre near danger of whey protein?
    It won't facilitate you with stage, good consumption habits will do that.
    The problem beside protein in standard is that overdosing can cause adjectives kidney failure due to the excessive burden. Excretion of more calcium can put you at risk for osteoporosis.
    As long as your not overdoing it, you will be fine. By the means of access, don't get hooked into thinking you stipulation creatine and other such products. You are too young for that. Your body have plenty of available nutrients with freshly regular diet. I would recommend biotin though as it will help you along.
    And for protein, walk with the cheaper whey since and after workout. You don't need the other ingredients to assist you out that are in the more expensive products at your age. and skim milk 4 oz. or low rotund cottage cheese directly before bed near a handful of nuts or tbl spoon of peanut butter.
    Let me know if you need more oblige.
    By the way in that is someone on here that may say protein have no side effects. My statements are from my medical background and long occupancy training.
    Not dangerous, but not essential.
    Most people, athletes and lifters included, obtain more than enough protein within their normal diet.

    Are within calories within pills?

    Are there any calories contained by pills?Are within calories within pills?
    it depends on which types of pills you are taking, if you are taking diet pills, some have little calories and some do not own calories. Any other pills will depends
    Nope. Here's a weight loss vitamin site, I use them and they hold a 30 day money-back guarantee! Actually I also devise they make me get the impression full.
    Look on the back of the boodle and check.
    It depends what the pills are and what stuff is here beyond the active ingredient. Let's look at the adjectives ingedients first:
    1. Minerals, like calcium carbonate. None.
    2. Vitamins. Virtually none as they are present on the micro smooth.
    3. Drugs: Same as vitamins, mostly.
    4. Protein pills, omega fatty acid pills, and similar nutritional supplements. Yes, because they are food contained by pill form. For example, a 1000 mg Omega-3 capsule (intended for heart health) contains 10 calories.
    Other stuff within the pill: Because the active ingredient is commonly there surrounded by very small quantity, the pills usually have a binder or a mover to hold the active stuff. They are habitually starches or sugars (in pills) or oils or gelatin (in capsules). These own calories, but not very several.
    For example, aspirin tablets are bound together with starch (check the label). Vitamin E capsule suspend the vitamin in vegetable grease.
    But think of how little respectively of these pills weigh. You are likely to win no more than four to eight calories out of a pill and eight to 16 max out of a capsule. You can lose that walking upstairs to the bathroom.
    By the means of access, check the bottle on nutritionals. Unlike regular drugs, they often inventory the calories per "serving".

    Are nearby any supplements that can burn the fat of my belly and even enhance muscle buildup?

    Are nearby any supplements that can burn the fat of my belly and even enhance muscle buildup?
    Lipo-6 Liquid Capsules is scientifically engineered to be used by women, who have difficulty losing body butter in those stubborn glute and thigh areas as in good health as getting rid of stomach fat.
    CLA- Conjugated Linoleic Acid
    It help promote lean muscle mass enclosure to fat loss, particuarily contained by the abdominal region.
    It's all organic and can also be found in grass-fed, not grain-fed, resourcefully as several other meat and dairy products. However, I would recommend taking the supplement to avoid eating the (usually) illustrious caloric foods that CLA is found in.
    nil burns fat except exercise and not ingestion stuff to put more fat on.
    excerise best supplement~~`
    Nope. Nothing protected! Go for walks to burn some calories and cut the discouraging stuff - soda and fast food.

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  • Are within any sugar-free cereal available, or must you mix your own?

    Are within any sugar-free cereal available, or must you mix your own?
    All cereals enjoy carbs, which turn into sugar. You are better off to stick to oatmeal and use Splenda or some other sugar sub, or full grain cereal with little added sugar. The so-called "Low sugar" cereal such as Fruit loops and a few other kid's cereals are truly higher surrounded by carbs than the regular versions so the sugar content remains just about the same over-all.
    Kashi Cereal
    I use oatmeal ever time...
    i add an egg or two sometimes
    i donate raisons most every day..
    it sounds boring and at first i despicable this stuff but when you consider the benefits and the cost factor..then i forget the other stuff and start my time with this oatmeal..i use green tea contained by the a.m.----also CAL MAX and a good multi vitamins
    Shredded Wheat have absolutely no added sugar.
    Even Kashi cereal have sugar, or at lowest some of them do.
    You must read the labels. Assume, first, that they adjectives have sugar surrounded by one form or another. Next, look at the boxes and weed out the 99 percent that blatently advertise things similar to sugar coated whole wheat for your vigour and have a picture of a comfortable bear or something.
    I believe that the individual one I found is Shredded Wheat. Not the sugar coated ones, but the original shredded wheat. Since I resembling it, that works for me. Also, I put fruit on the cereal and sometimes a little Raisin Bran. On the latter, I in recent times found out the raisins are coated with sugar, but I will probably verbs eating it since I simply use a little higher than the Shredded Wheat.
    Check the labels. Both the natural to use one that shows percentages and the tiny print of the ingredients.

    Are here any really dutiful diets for teens?

    in the collection of 13-16Are here any really dutiful diets for teens?
    Check the following diet tips
    Download Diet Reminder Application it may help
    Try to enjoy a diet Quiz to increase your diet Information
    Also use Diet Calculator
    Best Wishes,
    Have a Nice Day
    get stale your bum and exercise
    check it out at

    Are near any low heavy or low calorie pizza to buy at the store ?

    Are near any low heavy or low calorie pizza to buy at the store ?
    Im not sure where you are located at, but if here is a whole foods bazaar or a wegmans grocery store near you, they enjoy very low lubricant pizzas in their souk, that is extraordinarily light on the sauce, minimal on the cheese and usually contains more chicken and vegetables.
    Pizza necessarily is not doomed to failure for you, its just several places pile on the cheese, the pepperoni, and the sausage...adjectives of which are not good for you within large quanities.
    Lean Cuisine make some good ones
    Um, I'm not sure where on earth you are from (guessing the US) but try Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine. Go on to and have a look around. She will hold recommended something healthy and piquant.
    South Beach Diet has some, as in good health as Stoffer's lean cuisine and Healthy well as Weight Watchers Smart Start meal...just view your carbs & sodium too.

    Are here any pious exercises for the butt? lol?

    Im looking for GOOD exercises for my butt. Its really saggy and flat! THANKS!Are here any pious exercises for the butt? lol?
    Heavy squats. Get down low when you do them, at least parrell. They will build ya a bigger tighter butt. Do 4 sets, 6-8 reps per set.
    Squats, for the love of god squats they do wonders.
    Yeah, the first those right. Squats are probably the best, and if you want results faster, then try them next to weights.

    Are at hand any efficient leg workouts w/out need any equipment?

    Are at hand any efficient leg workouts w/out need any equipment?
    i would say walking and/or running, or jog
    walking up ALOT of stairs
    rock climbing
    Lunges and squats and if you add some mitt weights they can be even more effective
    Ya! Supermans....or primarily anything that causes you to flex and hold...and cause a burn!
    squats, lunges,
    Squats! They hurt put they are good. Keep your backbone straight and do not let your thighs dip below you knees. You can also do these while walking.
    Go outside and hike a couple of blocks since that is one of the easiest entry with no equipment but your legs.
    read tips on some great at home exercises to minister to you better on this site
    Theres tons:
    Leg Squats: Legs shoulder width apart and put ur hand at your ab area and budge up and down.
    Or you can lie on your pay for and put your hands underneath your tailbone and make higher your legs up 90 degrees and bring them down lacking touching the ground (about an inch off the ground) and consequently raise them again.
    You can pretty much do anything short weights, just use your body substance.
    All you need is a bench! Stand near it holding on for stability and just do as several lunges until you "feel the burn", repeat on the other side.
    Another exercise is to lay on a mat near you arms to your sides, hands below your bottom. Raise your legs up and lower slowly to the floor but not touching, this will also work your abs.
    You can also lay on a mat and work your legs as though your be riding a bike.
    Jillian Michael's has a great website beside some exercises to help contained by all areas.

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  • Are near any diet plans for picky eaters?

    Choosing a diet is always intricate for me because there are alot of foods I do and do not close to. How can I still eat nutritious even if I don't like drinking from all the important "requirements" for each food group.. similar to fruits?
    I've tried cutting sweets, efficient food and pop out of my normal intake habits but I am still not sure what I should and should not anyone eating day by day.Are near any diet plans for picky eaters?
    Cutting sweets, fast food and soda/pop from your diet is a step within the right direction. Now, you need to cut fried foods, mayonnaise, and too much bread/pasta/rice, etc. You also inevitability to make meat portions small--and greatly lean. Don't use gravies. Eat tuna with lately lemon juice near salad.
    You don't like fruits--neither do I--but I get hold of my servings from eating vegetables and from fruit and vegetable juice. You should eat lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, carrot, broccoli, etc.
    Good luck with this--it take making adjustments--but you can do it! You are drinking plenty of water, and getting plenty exercise (even if that's walking) each daytime??
    try weight watchers... they utter you have to get through the "recommended" fruits and veggies, but i haven't, and i have still lost implicit 15 pounds since mid-january
    5 Day Reset Kit will help you stop your cravings for fatty food and will minister to you KEEP the weight stale. Best product I have see.

    Are at hand any books or websites that coach women how to be a feminine bodybuilder?

    I am not interested in taking steroids nor do I want to look similar to a female copy of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I want to know the weight training process and the posing technique used to impress the judges should I be interested surrounded by competing professionally.Are at hand any books or websites that coach women how to be a feminine bodybuilder?
    go to for expert direction on both men and women.
    read tips on body building , workouts and dirtary needs on this site
    dont be a bodybuilder men dont similar to bodybuilers women much.....................

    Are the Healthy Choice frozen meal really heathy? Is nearby a better choice for frozen meal?

    Are the Healthy Choice frozen meal really heathy? Is nearby a better choice for frozen meal?
    microwaveable food meals are only about the worst from a nutritional stand point. they are occupied with additives and preservatives which hold a direct effect on the bioavailability of the nutrients that they contain.
    a simple way to determine how "healthy" a food item is take only looking at the detail of ingredients. if there are more chemicals than actual food items it's plainly not very athletic or nutritious regardless of what the "manufacturer" may claim
    they had a special on them on TV and they said that they are not the well choice.
    I do Smart One's or Lean Pockets.
    I prefer Lean Cuisine. Not a fan of Healthy Choice. It a short time ago lacks taste. Remember, those frozen meal should only be eat occasionally. SO processed. Fresh is always the best. I know, sometimes you entail to take them for lunch or you want a promptly dinner. But please don't eat them adjectives the time. Too much salt and chemicals.
    If you can , it's best to stay away from frozen foods.
    Although, if you really, really, MUST devour frozen food, then I suggest getting some natural frozen dinners. If your looking for something healthy, after yes, organic is much better than processed frozen food such as stout choice.
    Heres a thought cook off loads of full-bodied veg meals within a huge pan. next put them in plastic containers to freeze. You will recover money and its way forceful than a frozen meal from supermarket as they repeatedly contain allot of salt amongst other things fruitless for you. This way you know exactly whats within it too and you dont have to cook every dark when you are busy! :-)

    Are refried beans heart on form?

    Specifically, no fat can refried beans. Ralphs Brand.Are refried beans heart on form?
    Yes, but only the no overweight canned beans. Most refried beans are prepared next to lard, so surrounded by general they are not heart-healthy.
    They sure are. And they'll put together you toot too!

    Are pigs ankles better fried or grilled ?

    Are pigs ankles better fried or grilled ?
    well, everything is better fried.
    but if your on a diet i prefer grilled; smaller quantity fat.
    they cook similar to every part on a pig and cow.
    poor animals. =)
    but im not a lacto-vegetarian.
    ENOUGH ABOUT ME, good luck.
    Fried, I guess everything is better fried
    fried contained by garlic butter
    They are better if they stay on the pig and the pig isn't slaughtered in a horrible disgusting unruly way.
    Grilled, more in good health.....don`t forget the mayo
    wow - why would you want to eat them??? do they taster good ? us within much meat - interesting! Fried is usually better though.
    Roasted with garlic & roast potatoes & parsnips
    I trust you scrounging trotters. Try Googling pigs' trotters recipe and then you'll catch the answer. All I know is that when I have eat them they have taste good fried surrounded by garlic, cassoulet with red wine and stewed near port.
    Do you mean pig's trotters?
    Personally I would poach or stew them but i infer they can be fricasseed.

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