Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can I munch through carrot while taking accutane?

1 cup of carrots have 270% of your recomneded vitamin A intake. Should I quit eating them?Can I munch through carrot while taking accutane?
I particularly WOULD NOT intake any additional Vitamin A while on Accutane. You will develop a Vitamin A toxicity. Hopefully you are getting your blood checked on a regular principle anyway to monitor your organ functions while on the drug.
My drug guide said not to a a Vitamin A supplement or a multivitamin, but there be nothing any any of them relating to a change contained by diet.
I am a pharmacist with 2 doctorates within pharmacy. I would also recommend that you check with a registered dietician from one of the local hospitals for their answer. Accutane is economically known to result in liver problems. Vitamin A also has be known to lead to liver problems in glorious doses. Accutane can only be prescribed for a 30 morning supply and blood work must be done each month until that time a new rx can be jam-packed. Because of the probability of cumulative liver damage, I would recommend against ingestion carrots and squash (which also can contain Vitamin A derivatives).
In drug wise those choose to error on the side of caution. Thanks for your ask.
You can eat carrot, because they don't contain pure vitamin A. They contain beta carotene which is ok.
HTH : )

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