Thursday, December 1, 2011

Can I hold a month past its sell-by date from the gym and not lose muscle mass while continuing cardio and diet?

I'm pretty much an above average fitness person (male). I've be working out for years (5 to 7 days week without a break) and hold very well-mannered muscle mass and muscle tone. I look somewhat like a body builder

My joint and neck are start to hurt and I want to take a month past its sell-by date from the gym and just do cardio and verbs my diet (high protein...6 meals a day), but I'm afraid that I may lose my muscle mass and tone.Can I hold a month past its sell-by date from the gym and not lose muscle mass while continuing cardio and diet?
Month past its sell-by date from resistance training is a bit too long without loosing muscle mass. What's stirring is you're over training. Working out 5 to 7days days per week for years is a bit to extreme and your body would really takes it toll.
Your muscle would atrophy rather for not having resistance training for a month and you would grain a little weaker once you resume it again. Why don't you merely cut the weight stance exercises to let speak 2 or 3 just to make available your joints and muscles time to regain your strength. You can still continue your cardio though.
look at what happen to arnold. you wont lose much in a month, your muscles might not look as pumped up as they be, but when you start in again they will be even more so for a bit. Besides, most chicks dont really verbs the musclebound look.

Can i still do ab exercises even though i regard as i might be preggies?

I have started a strict ab workout programme. immediately im just wondering is this not dangerous to do if one is pregnant? i've never been pregnant so i wouldnt know.i know i wont see my abs once im pregnant, but if i am and i dont know it on the other hand can it affect the baby?..if you are an complete idiot pls distribute stupid answers!Can i still do ab exercises even though i regard as i might be preggies?
Taking on any kind of hot exercise / workout programme should not really be started when pregnant (or if you do think you are pregnant).
If you be always doing the strict ab exercises, after there would be no defence not to carry on as usual.
But you cant shock your body into a total new course of life when you might be pregnant, it wont be virtuous for the baby. Wait to see if you are pregnant first.
bring expert advice I don`t know some yoga will help! will not grounds any problems with the babe-in-arms. Your stomach muscles do not have any nouns with the uterus, which is where on earth the baby would be.
I would of thought that adjectives the running away from spiders you do is exercise enough!
ask your gp, be on th locked side hun, hope all go well for you
yes, but single slow exercise like yoga
am not sure but virtuous luck the babe-in-arms after me hahaha am teasing....wallow in the experience..its one of the greatest miracles

Can I Loose counterbalance on my boobs?

I am 5'0 and wear a DD bra...WAY to big! Is there any approach to make them smaller, short of breast surgery? If not, is in that any way to get breast surgery more affordable? My health plan with the sole purpose covers it with in no doubt requirements, some of which will take a while to bring back covered, and one I may never! Thanks!Can I Loose counterbalance on my boobs?
sorry honey but unfortunately the human body is designed contained by such a way that if one section is affected, so are adjectives the other parts. there are no excercises or pills that will purely magically take away or incorporate to only one factor of your body, without have some kind of new effects on others, for example, even after being right-handed for one's entire vivacity, their right hand ends up human being only slightly bigger than the disappeared.
you could try some cardio, not only does that bring away excess fat completely fast, but it also make you slimmer and reduces the excess marine that the body stores up. walk or run for a while, do anything it takes to hang on to your heart at a fast gait. do this and not only will your breast size probably lessen, but you will also have a bettter slimmer amount.
good luck and hang on to on being your great self
nope stay merry with them

Can i loose substance by ingestion boiled food and fruits individual on predetermined quatities?

When i exercise, i have pains on my pelvis bone because of an operation. I be 123kgs and now i am 105kgs. I own lost weight by doing walking on trademill and ingestion boiled food & fruits. Now doctors have stopped my exercise. Hence by ask.Can i loose substance by ingestion boiled food and fruits individual on predetermined quatities?
You lose weight by burning more calories than you consume. Period. Whether your diet consists strictly of fruits and vegetables or mostly McDonalds, you a moment ago need to burn more calories than you consume contained by order to lose counterbalance. What you consume obviously have other implications for your vigour, so the all Micky-D's diet isn't a great impression.
I've never heard of a diet of boiled food. Is in that supposed to be some extra health benefit?
as long as you work past its sell-by date more calories than you have eat that day, you will lose freight. but remember lose weight till you accomplish your average goal, not read out like 7.5 stone or beneath.
good luck
yup unambiguously you will loose weight. bodybuilders put away this kind of food if they want to loose their shipment because it is less surrounded by carbohydrate and high contained by protein.
some people be in motion from one extreme to another.. from fried food to boiled foods, ur body is not used to it...
ur best bet is munch through what ever food or fruit you want but ur totally daily intake must be more later 1200 calories and less next 2000 calories and u'll loose weight. exercise is a tool to loose substance.. just approaching a wheel to move a vehicle.... without it.. you still can move the sports car but not very prompt :) capisce ?
judging from ur immensity. assuming ur around 6" tall your atleast 25 kg over shipment and are eating roughly speaking 4x over the daily calorie intake... u looking at 9000-10,000 in that

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  • Can I guzzle trail mix if I am on a diet?

    Can I guzzle trail mix if I am on a diet?
    It's always best to manufacture your own, this way you won't hold alot of sugars and sweets in it. You can find some righteous ones online. Just go to your look into engine and type in "able-bodied trail mix recipe" and you'll find many.
    depends on the sugar content.
    If you chomp through the ones with fruits and nuts, why not! Peace!
    It really depends on how much fruit is surrounded by it. If it is just raisins you can hold a 1/4 cup of mix.
    Yes you can, but you did not mention what type of diet you are on. Just make sure you check to see how much a single serving is, and don't overeat on it. If you are on a low carb or no carb diet, try select a mix without a bunch of raisins, and dried fruit surrounded by it.
    In moderation , check the grams of sugar and fat content , how frequent calories per serving ..calculate consequently how much you can have on your diet..human being on a diet doest mean starve yourself ! moderation is the knob
    yes its very athletic for you.
    About 1/2 teaspoon. No more No less. Remember, forever on the oral cavity a lifetime on the hips.
    Get rid of the trail mix and eat veggies.

    Can I munch through carrot while taking accutane?

    1 cup of carrots have 270% of your recomneded vitamin A intake. Should I quit eating them?Can I munch through carrot while taking accutane?
    I particularly WOULD NOT intake any additional Vitamin A while on Accutane. You will develop a Vitamin A toxicity. Hopefully you are getting your blood checked on a regular principle anyway to monitor your organ functions while on the drug.
    My drug guide said not to a a Vitamin A supplement or a multivitamin, but there be nothing any any of them relating to a change contained by diet.
    I am a pharmacist with 2 doctorates within pharmacy. I would also recommend that you check with a registered dietician from one of the local hospitals for their answer. Accutane is economically known to result in liver problems. Vitamin A also has be known to lead to liver problems in glorious doses. Accutane can only be prescribed for a 30 morning supply and blood work must be done each month until that time a new rx can be jam-packed. Because of the probability of cumulative liver damage, I would recommend against ingestion carrots and squash (which also can contain Vitamin A derivatives).
    In drug wise those choose to error on the side of caution. Thanks for your ask.
    You can eat carrot, because they don't contain pure vitamin A. They contain beta carotene which is ok.
    HTH : )

    Can I drink Sugar Free Red Bull if I am on the 1st phase of the South Beach Diet?

    Can I drink Sugar Free Red Bull if I am on the 1st phase of the South Beach Diet?
    Red Bull is a thermogenic food. Even the non "sugar free" burns more calories than are in it. There are 110 calories contained by red bull but it takes more calories than that to process it through your body.
    I'm sure you'll be o.k. next to the sugar free. Personally, I think the "south sand diet" or any other name brand diet is a scam for your money. It's really not that firm to just drink healthy food surrounded by moderation, is it?
    u gonna get fat again anyway. drink what u wants
    as expected u can.. whose keeping you from not drinking it? hehehe

    Can I die from drinking too much Gatorade?

    Almost the reverse of water intoxication.Can I die from drinking too much Gatorade?
    I mull over you could. Too much of anything can upset the balance within the body necessary for sustaining life span. I can't imagine anyone wanting to try.
    ya, but why would you drink that much?
    yes i have an idea that you could it is mostly water anyway
    Death by Gatorade...never hear of it but if its possible to consume too many electrolytes earlier the body has a luck to get rid of them later it might be possible. Deep thinking, there. Sounds approaching a title for a comedy.
    no but if you drink gatorade everyday, you can get a kidney stone..i know a guy that happen to
    die, no but it can surely effect your insulin sensitivity if you consume to much and you will start to increase the level of body excess weight if you are not very busy.
    Gatorade should not be a substitute for water...
    Hmm. There's an alcoholic drink call Death by Gatorade! I guess you could drink so much of that, you get drunk, puke and burst a blood vessel within your brain; causing you to die. Other than that, i get nothing

    How does 17 years of warring arts training make it OK for you to answer a give somebody the third degree on death by Gatorade?? Just curious.

    Can i burn any calories purely by standing up? i tight as challenging sitting down?

    Can i burn any calories purely by standing up? i tight as challenging sitting down?
    The initial answer to your question? Yes.
    I also use standing to burn calories. For extra substance loss, follow these steps:
    1. Stand up
    2. Walk to bathroom
    3. Plunge finger down throat with finger above the toilet.
    Works every time.
    put surrounded by height, bulk, gender, and choose from an alphabetical enumerate. I go to 'S' and find "standing, quietly" and you burn more calories by standing than sitting.
    Standing up to obtain your double cheeseburger from the counter isn't exactly what they mean. Try skipping to the counter.
    Every human being has a Basal Metabolic Rate, which is roughly the amount of calories we burn just by one alive. So, standing may burn a slightly more calories than sitting. Calories are burned with the tinist bit of movement.
    All worthy answers before me. The greater movement that you own during the day by one active, the more calories you burn. If you own nothing to do for a few second, stretch, try deep breathing....anything to hold your metabolism going.

    Can i be skinny next to strech results?

    I used to be 195 pounds in gr 5 but next i went for walk and now im surrounded by gr 7 and im 150 6ft tallCan i be skinny next to strech results?
    Yes, stretch results are usually caused by cargo gain and then loss. most of the time it's because of sudden consignment gain like for mos women during pregnancy. But adjectives human beings have stretch results if they have gain and lost weight unless they are blessed beside great skin. The only track to help at adjectives is by using oils and creams and massage them into the skin. It probably won't make them disappear but it may help out with the dimpling and sometimes cratering or cellulite around the stretched areas. Don't verbs, stretch marks are superficial and don't cause you unhealthy, in recent times the opposite. the exercise and counterbalance loss has made you well again and that should boost your self esteem. Good luck and keep on on a winning streak your health. The rest is not worth worrying roughly speaking.
    yea i think that everygirl have stretch marks.
    Well, if you used to be chunky, stretch results are going to come from that. I know myself being chunky I hold stretch marks. I used Cocoa butter, it works amazingly well.
    Try it.
    Good Luck
    as you would expect, stretch marks will shrink. trust me i enjoy had 3 kids.. and i am very soon a size 2 with a flat tummy. but i do work out almost everyday. honest luck to you, you are so lucky to be able to lose! hold on to it up!

    Can Gatorade replace liquid?

    My son is 7. He likes gatorade more than liquid. Does anyone think that he will be losing out on vitamins by drinking gatorade instead of liquid on a regular basis? He is slender, doesn't really resembling candy, and loves vegetables. He also likes to play adjectives kinds of sports so he is greatly active. I don't want him to loose out on necessy nutrients. Your thoughts please.Can Gatorade replace liquid?
    Gatorade can individual SOMETIMES replace juice considering he's deeply active. Gatorade is an electrolyte replacement and hydration beverage. It have NO vitamins while juice does. Give your kid both, he requests the vitamins in liquid.
    Remember also that Gatorade is fairly glorious in sugar. If your kid is alive and stays thin, step for it. It can be a hidden source of calories to deliberate about for chubby kids.
    Also tender him lots of water.
    Water is worthy for you.
    Gatorade is great, not loaded with sugar and individual 50 cals a serving!
    Gatorade is even better for him than juice. Get him to try stuff approaching Propel, too. Even fewer Calories and lots of vitamins.
    I would ask a doctor first. Gatorade essentially acts resembling salt and help retain the water within your body so you don't sweat it all out. This is pious if you're an athlete so you do not become dehydrated, but for a kid this may not be obedient. Definitely ask a family physician first.
    Gatorade is an electrolyte replacement and hydration beverage. It have no vitamins. Give your kid both, he needs the vitamins contained by juice.
    Remember also that Gatorade is duly high surrounded by sugar. If your kid is active and stays lean, go for it. It can be a covered source of calories to think more or less for chubby kids.

    Can floor exercises alone manufacture you look more toned?

    I can't stand aerobics. I recently started walking 20 min. 3 times per week. I love doing floor exercises, approaching sit ups, leg lifts, and lifting weights. I don't see myself walking highly long, I don't think I can stick to that.Can floor exercises alone manufacture you look more toned?
    Definetly! Pilates is a for of floor exercises and ppl look great, you should try it i'm sure you'd similar to it
    it probably could, but walking is a great way to back. Drink lots of water, drink healthy and if you close to floor exercises try Pilates!! I bought a MTV Pilates dvd a while back at Walmart and it be challenging at first because if focuses mostly on your core muscles (AKA: abs) though it's for your entire body, it become easier and even fun.
    Good luck
    Actually I think floor exercises are the particularly best way to catch toned BUT if you are fat your tone won't show, to be precise why you need the cardio. That is the merely way to lose flab. If you lately need tone the floor should do it. Good luck!

    Can Ephedra still be bought online?

    I don't need to hear in the order of the health risks, I know, I be just wondering if anyone know if the pills sold online are legit?Can Ephedra still be bought online?
    Ephedra is alot less undisruptive than taking pure ephedrine. USP grade ephedrine will other be what it says it is due to affairs of state regulations of over the counter drugs. Ephedra is not considered a drug by the government and not regulated.
    Just google furrow ephedrine hcl and you will find plenty of people who market it. There are alot of states where it is unsanctioned to receive ephedrine and pseudoephedrine in the messages.
    If you go to the drugstore they will go Bronkaid Dual Action which contains 25 mg of Ephedrine Sulfate per tablet. Thirteen dollars or so for 60 tablets. Better deal than most of the stuff on the internet.
    Where I live they save it behind the counter, you enjoy to be 18 to buy it, and you can only buy so much per month.
    turn to GNC they have plenty
    i dont know... but it without a doubt isnt sold in gnc anymore because its evil
    No, several deaths and meth labs put an stop to ephedra.
    hi! i was competent to lose a lot of counterweight because of this slimming pills. it cost only $10 USD per box. if you want further details surface free to contact me or visit http://beautyessentials.multip... enjoy a great day!

    Can intake six oranges a light of day back you or impair you?

    Can intake six oranges a light of day back you or impair you?
    You'll get like mad of vitamin C, which will probably be fine (the excess will be urinated out). You will also get lots of fiber you're uncommon to, so you may get diarrhea.
    The solitary way this could be bleak is if you're a diabetic--oranges are high within sugar.
    you will have greatly of loose bowel movements i would think.
    It might. Some relations cannot tolerate a mega-amount of vitamin C. Some cases show that mega doses of Vitamin C can cause liver despoil to people who hold more than about 200mg of Vitamin C day after day.
    not harm you.
    same piece if I eat 5 apples a morning, would it harm me? silly
    oranges have lot of vitamins. please balance. if you desire to eat 20-30 oranges a hours of daylight, you would vomit and faint out
    Well, that would be a great deal of acid and might raison d`¨otre indigestion or a stomach upset.
    It would be better to have an assortment of different fruits, rather than six oranges.
    HTH : )

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  • Can drinking alot of cough drops (4-7 per day) be desperate for you, seedy, or addicting?

    Can drinking alot of cough drops (4-7 per day) be desperate for you, seedy, or addicting?
    well, they enjoy sugar and corn syrup in them, so they aren't full-bodied and you probably are getting used to that little sugar high.
    no......and wear a tampon if you want to.
    it is impossible for you but it cant be addicting
    well it is a prescription, so a lot a light of day can be somewhat unhealthy
    Not if you approaching cough drop breath.
    they are just so darn obedient, but sometimes I realize when enough is plenty

    Can doing vertical jump beside weights on be impossible for your knees?

    I have a substance vest, and I want to increase my vertical jump. Can doing jump with a weightiness vest on be bad for you knees?Can doing vertical jump beside weights on be impossible for your knees?
    That's a big YES!!!
    It depends on the amount of counterbalance, if you are trying with 50 pounds after yes defiantly, but I own trained with something like 10 extra pounds for years in an force to increase my vertical, it works and my knees are fine.

    Can diet pills ruin your thyroid?

    can taking prescription diet pills like phentermine wreak thyroid disorders?Can diet pills ruin your thyroid?
    I am not knowledgeable in the region of long term effects, but I can say aloud as far as short term effects, the thyroid is effect adversely for one to two weeks after you stop taking the pills. Think of this way, if you run at full speed for several hours past your middle-of-the-road limitations, once you stopped, you would crash with nouns. The thyroid reacts similarly. Once you stop taking the diet pills, the thyroid repeatedly crashes and goes through a spell of having to regulate it's mundane rate. During this time, you may find yourself sluggish, and chances are you will gain a few pounds until the thyroid resets.
    It can possibly bring harm to other organs contained by your body, please avoid them.

    Can anyone recommend any honest detox diets?

    Can anyone recommend any honest detox diets?
    Isagenix is great...
    It is the only one that works for me.....I enjoy more energy and sleep better.
    I own kept the weight past its sell-by date too.
    I totally believe that toxins are in our body
    My sister and I hold been using this cleansing technology for nearly six months....I love it soo much...I wil use it for the rest of my life:)....the first time I did it, I lost 13 pounds within 9 days!!....check out this website:)
    w w w. gocleanse. com/colin

    Can anyone recommend a great butt exercise I can do at home?

    Can anyone recommend a great butt exercise I can do at home?
    You can buy "Island Girl" tahitian dancing It's great and fun not just is it a great workout you'll have fun you wont even quality like you're exercising. You're dance!! I love it and I'm getting really nice legs and my butt looks awesome!
    Look up information on isometrics. You can literally do these exercises sitting down - and they work!
    Squats and lunges are great. Even better if you do them with dumbbells within your hands.
    Lunges , here is a pattern site to show you how
    Squats, but take heed that your knee never pass the tip of the same foot. And don't forget to squeeze your cheeks at the top every repetition. Positioning is incredibly important beside exercise you never want to injure a joint.
    To purchase a bigger butt or more shapely and firm one—simply means working those butt muscles more, seriously of people don’t realize how natural that is! While you can basically do stairs I recommend you do a full rounded workout routine specifically for you butt! Try out this Great Butt Workout:

    Can anyone please communicate me which diet pills bestow you the best results?

    I would like to lose 30-40 pounds so I would approaching the pills to be very strong. So please someone serve me.Can anyone please communicate me which diet pills bestow you the best results?
    Diet pills DO NOT work. Ask any doctor or pharmacist.
    no diet pill will help except the ones by perscription from a doctor and some of those can explanation you great harm. so swot to get the cargo off by not drinking junk, ingestion less of what you do munch through, and exercising much more.
    Diet pills do not work at all. All you call for is normal everyday vitamins and some exercise. Diet pills are designed to steal all of your money and give you pissed off.
    There is no silver bullet for losing mass.
    I have be taking relacore since december 26th and I have lost 49 pounds. its more than a diet pill. It have helped my mood, and my angst. Just remember to drink plenty of water. I also amble 4 times a week, and do sit ups to help tone my belly as i lose immensity.

    Can anyone please convey me a honourable diet to follow for toning or where on earth to find one,and not atkins any?

    i just have need of something affordable and written out well to followCan anyone please convey me a honourable diet to follow for toning or where on earth to find one,and not atkins any?
    Ok, here it is.
    Eat plenty of fruits and vegtables............. 85%
    Eat lean meat............................. 15%
    Stay away from soda and sweets
    Don't guzzle processed food ( anything that comes in a box )
    Good livelihood on recognizing that the Atkins diet is desperate. If you eat 5 or 6 small meal per day consisting of a soaring quality carbohydrate source plus a lean protein and a elevated fiber source, it will create the caloric deficit while keeping you out of starvation mode. For example: grilled chicken breast+brown rice+steamed carrots
    Also, here is a free website near a sample lunchtime plan plus some good info on rotund loss nutrition along with a fighting fit foods list.

    Can anyone give support to me?

    I just entail someone to give me some words of direction that could possibly help me find some mind-over-matter power when it comes to eating unhygienic. Please help!Can anyone give support to me?
    My solidity watchers instructor told me something that still stands out in my mind, and it is to" train your brain to reach the refrigerator up to that time your feet do". Think something like it, is it really worth it? How long is the food really going to keep you contented? What are you trying to fix or replace with the food? Just a couple of things to ask yourself to determine if you really want to devour it.
    I am male so don't thieve my advice to seriously, I myself and trying alike,
    I have if truth be told forked out the money for those slim fast stuff.
    and immediately I am just trying to stick to the things I similar to, like unquestionable fruits I like, trying not to chomp through more than one serving like I carry to the point I make my self a sandwich and I verbs out four pieces of bread and make two instead, lol
    its thorny, good luck (=
    "Are you moody or depressed, surrounded by need of revitalization and liveliness, or notice your behavior and mood change from day to afternoon? Do you have those days that are faultless and you feel resting on the world whereas other days you feel resembling you have hit rock bottom? Your mood and zest levels may be related to your diet."

    Can anyone confer me examples of foods containing dissacharides?

    Can anyone confer me examples of foods containing dissacharides?
    first, a disaccharide (note spelling) is any carbohydrate that has two monosaccharides surrounded by it. an example is lactose that is found contained by milk and dairy. the two monosaccharides in lactose are glucose (simple sugar) and galactose. relations who are lactose intolerant lack lactase, which is an enzyme that cleaves (splits) the carbohydrate lactose into it's two compnent parts (glucose + galactose; glu + gal).
    for a definition, travel to (very awesome resource, save it to your favorites immediately).
    for a catalogue of simple sugars, go to
    for a chronicle of disaccharides, go to
    they are legumes and nuts

    Can anyone afford me a angelic register of cynical or negligable calorie foods?

    Thanks! You Rock! unless you give me some kinda mean and un-helpfull answer:)Can anyone afford me a angelic register of cynical or negligable calorie foods?
    Negative calorie foods
    cabbage (green)
    cauliflower celery
    chili pepper
    garlic lettuce

    lemons mangos
    pineapple raspberries

    Negative calorie foods use more calories to digest than what they contain!

    These calories are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. So, these foods have a tremendous inbred fat-burning advantage.
    Negative Calorie refers to the Negative Calorie Diet. We use strength to digest our food and this concept is based on select your food so that the end result is that you burn more verve digesting the food than gets stored after digestion. Note that you will want to have some protein next to this diet.
    There are a few different types of food that do this. Check the link contained by the Source below for more information.
    Some of these foods include:
    Apricot, mandarin orange, blackberry, melon canteloupe, blackcurrant, peaches, clementines, plums, damsons, raspberry, grapefruit. rhubarb, guava, strawberry, honeydew melon, tangerine, lemon, watermelon.
    Fennel, aubergine, gourd, broccoli, leek, cabbage, lettuce, carrot, marrow, cauliflower, peppers, celery, radish, chicory, spinach, cress, tomato, cucumber, turnip.

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  • Can anyone answer my request for information around diet pills?

    Has anyone had any great nouns with Trimspa or any other diet pills that I could try?Can anyone answer my request for information around diet pills?
    Go low carb, start working out, the mass will shed like you won't believe.
    I hold used Hydroxycut in former times, but it was combined beside very rigorous workout rota and lots of carb manipulation. Doing this I can pretty easily shed 2 or 3 pounds a week when I necessitate to "cut up" and get down to 7-10% BF.
    I go to a diet pill doctor in 1971, he prescribed me diet pills till 1999 i be so skinny and nervous everyone not here me. Now I'm the same size as i be in 1971. do it in need anything except good diet and excesses
    DONT USE TRIMSPA!.....i dont suggest any diet pills b/c it stops ure hormones kinda similar to steriods.....start running...and not alot of fats a afternoon...and jump rope..that works really correct..and yoga does too...hope this answer helps
    Hi, A lot of associates are dieting now.Some diets are fruitless for you.There's a lot information on on loosing mass correctly here. Http://
    Yes Total control will help you lose 25-50 pounds and it have helped but near are more products that you can take to lose more and these products are SAFE and HEALTHY. Top ten out of 25 scientists and doctors own worked on these prodcuts for 27 yearss. They are a trusted name. stop by for more info.

    Can any tamil ladies make available dieting tips pls?

    Can any tamil ladies make available dieting tips pls?
    Watch your diet
    Drink water
    do 200 cardio every week
    do ab work and strength training

    Can any one share me how to remove fat from shoulders?

    Can any one share me how to remove fat from shoulders?
    you can't spot reduce large.. it can only come past its sell-by date your body at the same rate.
    If the grease is only in that a diet will not do much.
    You might try with sport (swimming is a righteous one) or for an extreme solution as liposuction.
    Lifting the hands up and for a long time and swinging it down might aid u and continous exercising is a must say partly an hour daily.
    The one and only true way to eat up fat from a nouns as this is to build up the muscle mass in that nouns. So I would try to do some shoulder presses or any other excercise that works on the shoulders. This definitely works for me.
    only by shoulder girdle exercice 1rotating shoulder circularly 2taking them repetedely on opposit direction 3 lastly but costely by liposucstion.
    Fat in any body nouns can not be reduced individually as fat is regulated centrally.
    So, you enjoy to reduce body chubby as a whole surrounded by order to moderate shoulder fat.
    The best mode to reduce body lubricant is combination of proper diet and regular aerobic exercise.

    Can any one describe me any websites that can give an account me my bmi and average freight i should be?

    Can any one describe me any websites that can give an account me my bmi and average freight i should be?
    I would actually recommend that you forget in the region of the BMI hype. It is quite an vague way of gaging not individual physical fitness but overall health. A much better mode would be to find out your body fat percentage and your lean muscle mass. Use calipers to benchmark body fat and as you lose solidity and exercise, monitor it to see how much actual fat you are losing. Good luck!
    I found that WebMD can be especially helpful beside that. Also, you could check the Dept of Agriculture website because I think that they own that info there too. I know that there's where on earth I thought I saw the info about the newer food pyramid after it first come out.
    Hmm, I wonder, you have googled and own the answer, it's simple:

    Can adjectives bran impose diarea? I have a bowel of it this morning next to melt milk and dran marine higher than that?

    And my bowels were soft and perfect, until I went to travel for a run, I can back inside summarily and went to the toilet and have diarea. So can all bran for breakfast do this. I may have to cut backbone on ,my All Bran. And recommend?Can adjectives bran impose diarea? I have a bowel of it this morning next to melt milk and dran marine higher than that?
    ----------TROLL ALERT--------------
    Name: Leanne, aka Leanne M
    Description: Trolling / faking medical complaints / abominate mail / aggravation
    Tactics: Asks what the symptoms are for various physical and mental illnesses. Poses as fundamentalist Christian, claims to own these illnesses, then claims that God miraculously cured them. Anyone who question this gets vicious dislike intensely mail, some of which have been posted surrounded by
    Also posts questions attacking Christians by designation. Example:;...
    and attacking others;...
    Stop sleeping with Derryn Hinch, and sharing his breakfast!
    Did you drink the BOWEL because it was soft????
    Here is some suggestion for you....
    Bowel = internal organ
    Bowl= something you put food in
    Advise & Advice are two different words beside two different meanings.

    Can a woman workout hen she is pregnante(besides that unharmed yoga stuff)?

    Can a woman workout hen she is pregnante(besides that unharmed yoga stuff)?
    Yes, it's actually really honest for the baby to work out surrounded by the first 2 trimesters. You can still do small exercises in the finishing trimester as well. My doctor other told me that I would know when I was doing too much, our bodies consent to us know. So, as long as you ok it with your doctor first, I infer it's a great idea to take exercise while pregnant.
    If she's been working out beforehand she got pregnant in that is no reason she should hold to stop. Her body is used to it and it won't put any strain on her or the baby. If she's never worked out and lately got pregnant and is trying to maintain weight sour, then no, she shouldn't workout.
    As long as it's not a lofty risk pregnancy, then certainly. A pregnant woman can nearly do any exercise a non-pregnant woman can do. The only item I wouldn't do is heavy counterbalance lifting because you don't want to risk a hernia.
    You'll want to actually discuss that near your doctor who should no best what's good for you specifically.
    I will voice though, that at one of the gyms I've been going to the later 4 years, there have been this girl going regularly through adjectives three of her pregnancies...she goes up until she can no longer after a month or two after having the infant she's back at it. She typically does the cardio machines and every very soon and then would amalgamate us for step aerobics.

    Can a stationary recumbent bike help out me lose bulk within adjectives areas of my body?

    I have vertebrae and knees problems and live in the hill. Floor exercise is painful and walking is too lofty impact for my bad knees. I am aquiring a stationary recumbent bike and am crossing my fingers that it will help next to weight loss. My problem nouns is my stomach. I have going on for 25 pounds to lose. Thanks for your advice!Can a stationary recumbent bike help out me lose bulk within adjectives areas of my body?
    Yes, it will back you lose weight adjectives over your body. Hear this; 'there is no such thing as spot downgrading!!' Cardio exercise will help you largely lose fat adjectives over your body, simultaneously. As long as you keep the reps up and the resistance as low as possible, (otherwise you'll bulk up near muscle). Make sure you're heavy breathing at a rate where on earth can still talk but you find it self-conscious to talk. Good luck.
    no a stationary cycle wont work yr full body.
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    Can a character be both endo and mesmomorph?

    my doctor said i was both endo and mesmomorph what dose that parsimonious cant u only be oneCan a character be both endo and mesmomorph?
    Most folks, although possessing dominant characteristics indigenous to a faddy body type, will generally also own secondary tendency related to other body types. Sometimes combinations of all three to varying degree. So yeah, I'm guessing that you are probably a heavy strong guy base on the description given to you by your Dr. The Ecto/endo/meso model was developed by some guy(whose cross I'm not remembering)who attributed, also, personality traits dominantly associated beside said body typing. It's just a model contained by a sense which attempts to describe ways we are. Stereotypes, for example, might consist of the nerdy awkward skinny man. The dumb jock, and the fat dashing dude. But then again we also know that not adjectives jocks are stupid, fat guys can be be going to, skinny guys can very extroverted.
    We're not necessarily locked into anything contained by regards to body type. I own a theory considering the possibility that by altering ones body type that resulting change in opinion of yourself might subsequently result. ( and vice versa too, perhaps)The Combinations are limitless. I similar to this model.
    Freewill and good daylight.
    Why would it matter? Its not approaching you can trade your body in for a different one?
    There are so heaps different bodily shapes, that it's possible to be a combination. I don't put a lot of stock into those supposed body shapes, and I wouldn't embezzle it all that seriously. Your body shape is determined largely by inheritance, your lifestyle and what you weigh.

    Can a doctor get something done xrays and panorama your growth plates and see how soaring you will be?

    Im 16 and 5'10 i want to get taller and ive hit one growth spurt but i dont know if not a hundred percent hit another one?Can a doctor get something done xrays and panorama your growth plates and see how soaring you will be?
    Not any more. There is a formula that is used when a personage is 2 1/2 and is about 95% accurate.
    Unless if your parents are giant, 5'10" is probably going to be about it.
    I've hear of such procedures used in pediatrics, as far as a youth I'm not sure I know they have growth charts at the pediatrician so receive an appt and see what they say.
    It's possible, but your doctor won't do it. You're already towering, so there's no major condition issue, and your doctor will not, if he's ethical, expose you to ionizing radiation simply to fulfill your curiosity.

    Can 0 calorie sweetner really mae you fatter than regular sugar?

    Can 0 calorie sweetner really mae you fatter than regular sugar?
    Sweeteners are healthier next sugar. Since most sweeteners provide very little, if any, calories, they cannot exact the body to store fat.
    However, some dream up that artifical sweeteners can cause a big spike surrounded by insulin, like regular sugar. If this is true after it would be possible for it to cause portly storage, but this is unlikely.
    no, no calories = no weight gain.
    However, some nation assume that because they are using sugar substitue, they can eat/drink more of whatever they are putting it into....which after in turn may result within weight gain.
    not anything calories can not make you overweight, however, if you think you can munch through other fattening foods because you did not have any calories contained by the sweetener then yes you will gain, because bulk is calories in calories out.
    sweetener is not suitable for you. stick to plain ol' sugar, just survey how much you intake. artificial sweeteners will cause brain problems within the long run, such as an increased risk for alzheimer's.
    No, only stout people convey you that.
    no it cant. but if you eat to much of it, you will be surrounded by the bathroom for at least an hour. no prank it really causes stomach upset and intake too much can make you crap tons

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  • Calories...?

    how many callories would u speak was contained by a normal sausage barm beside white bread and ordanary sausageCalories...?
    400. 100 for each slice of bread and 200 for the sausage, maybe less.
    I would articulate 150 calories for the sausage and 80 for the roll. If there is butter within the equation and tomato ketchup etc, it'll be more calories.
    about 600-900 calories

    Calories contained by Juicy Juice liquid boxes?

    Are there any websites that can endow with me the calories in Juicy Juice products?
    Thanks!!Calories contained by Juicy Juice liquid boxes?
    Don't buy those. They just have something like 2% juice,,, it's nil but sugar water.
    i thought that luscious juice be a type of gum. sry if I didnt help but some race might think that u r chitchat about the gum as did I

    Calories confused?

    okay so im 16, 5 feet towering, 112 pounds, i want to lose more weight and right presently im eating 800-1000 calories a sunshine and exercising 30 minutes almost everyday. everyone is saying chomp through more like 1200 calories but i get the impression like i will only weight. someone please relief meCalories confused?
    If you eat as little as 800-1000 calories per morning your body will go into starvation mode and horde any calories you consume. Besides not mortal healthy, you WON'T lose substance that way. I'm 40 pounds heavier than you are and my nutritionist (who IS an actual doctor) doesn't want me going any smaller amount than 1200 no matter what.
    I would suggest what he have me doing: Eat six small meals respectively day -- that's every three hours -- going on for 220 calories each. Make them a stability of lean protein and good carbs (look those up). Again, stay above 1200 calories. Then ONE year per week I can eat doesn`t matter what I want to kick start my metabolism. See, if you chomp through so lightly everyday short the cheat day, your body will receive used to it and your metabolism will slow a little, in recent times because it's getting in a rhythm.
    Good luck.
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    All more or less weight loss, cargo watchers, Tea diets, easy home exercises to entitle a few
    you are not overweight. you can eat more, you appear to be on a pretty good exercise regiment and could increase your caloric intake a bit. don't requirement to lose weight. newly exercise to be healthy.
    Under 1000 calories and you body go into starvation mode so you burn less calories b/c it is trying to hold onto them. Try to chomp through a little more and I bet you see a counterbalance lose! Good luck!

    Calories burned on Elliptical Trainer...?

    I am currently working out 5 times/week on an elliptical trainer for an hour. I enter my counterbalance and age and at the end of the workout, I hold usually burned around 600 calories. Now, I keep track of adjectives my diet and exercise through and and for my height, cargo and age on both of those websites, they are saying that I am burning 800 calories or so contained by those 60 minutes. I am guessing that the machine would be more accurate, since it is monitoring the height and everything at which I am working out, but I thought I would ask. I am in the process of trying to lose 86 pounds, so it is substantial for me to know exactly what I am burning or as close to it as possible. Thanks for any and all suggestion!Calories burned on Elliptical Trainer...?
    Go with the contrivance cus it is giving real time information on how many calories your buring base on the number of strides your taking. Goodluck on your fittness adventure!!
    trust the device more, than the website. you might be going really slow or at a lighter number when I use the elliptical at 1 I burn much a reduced amount of calories than when I use it at 10. so trust the machine.


    whats a good calory intake for sum1 trying to loose substance ?Calorie.....?
    Your best bet is to try and assess how many you are currently ingestion and reduce it by 500 to start. This should administer you a steady weight loss of 1-2lb's a week, which is what is recommended for long permanent status weight loss which can be sustained. Best of luck.
    How big a party is,how active.their metabolic rate adjectives change the answer. 1600 is My min/day. Try not to count, drink more fresh and whole small piece less packaged/processed. this routine less saline and sugar + your body has to work at digestion. Expending 2000+ extra calories a week is natural by taking the stairs or parking across the lot.

    Calorie cross-question.....?

    i need assistance, fast
    im doing this project for robustness and i need to know
    how lots calories do salted crackers have??
    someone help out!!Calorie cross-question.....?
    it depends on the brand and how big they are
    its usually 120 calories
    about 275 calories.pious luck on your health project.
    Look on the box
    i would look on the box they are just about 120 for 4 of them

    Calf Leg Muscles?

    I have remarkably large leg calf's and when I move about walking, my calfs will cramp and the muscles will pull remarkably tightly... making it very easier said than done to walk any distance.... I do stretches past I go walking, but this doesn't appear to help. Is within anything I can do to help this any??????? the muscles are as firm as a rock after i walk..... And will stay sore for days... Any exercises to oblige with this will be greatly Appricated....Calf Leg Muscles?
    If they are sore, and unyielding as a rock, it just mechanism you need to use them more. If you a moment ago started walking expect the first couple times to get stiff.
    Have you tried calcium....cart at night for it will support you sleep and in some citizens it may take up to 3 mo. I see a difference in sooner or later.
    It's a lack of potassium. Try drinking 1 or 2 bananas everyday.
    sounds like they're in poor shape. to remedy this; stand up and lift your heels rotten the groud(calf rises) for 20 reps. If you need freight use dumbells. This will strengthen them.

    Burning margarine?

    How do i burn 20 lbs of fat contained by two months what should i take for lunch everydayBurning margarine?
    by dedication and 200 minutes of cardio a week. Have salads and grilled chicken for lunch
    Read tips & articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga & much more....
    All going on for weight loss, shipment watchers, Tea diets, easy home exercises to signature a few
    Trying to diet when you really have a target set is pretty easier said than done. But I guess the best that works will be to eat adjectives that you used to it IN SMALL AMOUNTS and drink lots of water and smaller number sugar and fat. If time allows, next you may lose more by working out.How about that?
    20 pounds within two months is a little extreme. Take rather more time and do it in a nourishing manner.

    Burning Calories?

    about how several calories do you burn while doing a low weight glorious intensity workout for 45 mins?Burning Calories?
    About 300-400 Calories but their are so me factors your immensity and you r metabo;ism matter a great deal If u eat cast-offs food you will burn empty calories and they will not brand name any difference
    id vote about 300!
    Around 350~450 calories...^_^
    ALOT! It depends upon the work out type but it is better than simply running or lifting weights.

    Burning calories?

    does sex really burn calories.Burning calories?
    Fo sho homeboy
    And i skinny as hell
    yeah.. it does. According to what i have read and to what others told me...

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  • Burning calories?

    If I am sitting down and swinging my hips in a circular motion approaching hola hooping will that burn calories and help me lose solidity?Burning calories?
    Any motion that performs power-driven work will burn calories. The motion described will burn a few, but not very heaps. To burn significant calories, you need to do something that significantly elevate your heart rate for significant periods of time.
    It will bring in you lose calories but i don't know if it will make you lose bulk
    studies have shown that general public who constantly move throughout the day (fidgeting, drumming feet, etc...) burn more calories. to lose consignment you have to burn more than you consume.

    Buring flab ( will this work)?

    if i got up at 5:52 am on week days and go for 60 min run and rested on a sunday how long will it take to lose body obeseBuring flab ( will this work)?
    Not enough information at adjectives.
    You'll lose a pound of fat for every 3500 more calories that you burn than consume.
    a couple of days.
    My sister and I own been using this cleansing technology for roughly six months....I love it soo much...I wil use it for the rest of my life:)....the first time I did it, I lost 13 pounds contained by 9 days!!....check out this website:)
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    omg you can run for a full hour and you are trying to lose weight?? i can notify you if i ran for an hour everyday i wouldn't hold love handles but you might built differently.
    Well, running for 60 minutes will of course help as long as you are reducing your caloric intake as all right. I would imagine you would see some results inwardly 2 weeks.
    There is only one opening to lose weight(and body fat), burn more calories than you take within. If you eat a in one piece lot of foods that are high within carbs and fat you will bear a while to lose weight. You also obligation to up your metabolic rate to help burn sour calories.(run hard). Also to help burn sour body fat you obligation to incorporate weight lifting into your regime. Not really a simple examine to answer


    how long does it take for a soul to suddenly get addictive to it short wanting to. i mean, how long does it lug for the person's body to throw up the food just consumed automatically after the soul has bienge? I simply want to know. Because i'm scared too. and i do wanna win helped. and i willBulimia?????????
    Everybody's different, but one item is sure, it's an unpleasant and potentially very serious condition so turn and get that relieve.
    Bulimia is a habit. It become a habit when you do it habitually. You can change a mannerism again but it is difficult. Do not vomit more than twice a week.